2023 Season: September 13th – November 3rd
Join us for the 2024 Season at Hill Creek Farms!U-Pick farming will be open every Friday through Sunday (and Columbus Day!) from September 13th – November 3rd. On Fridays, there is no admission fee; you only pay for what you pick. On Saturdays and Sundays, there is an admission fee of $20 per vehicle (not per person, but per VEHICLE). This fee includes a hayride for your party. We will supply a picking bag, once you’ve gotten your fill you will pay for what you picked at checkout.
Please note: there is never an admission fee to visit the Market, Bakery, Wine Garden, or Loft. Admission fee is ONLY for U-pick on Saturdays and Sundays.
Every Friday – Sunday, 8am – 5pm, September 13th – November 3rd
For U-Pick vehicle passes/admission for Saturday’s & Sunday’s and certain kids activities, see costs below

U-Pick Admission Prices
While we do accept walk-ins for U-Pick on Saturdays and Sundays, pre-purchasing admissions is highly recommended. This will ensure that we have availability.
*Friday is ALWAYS free admission (U-Pick prices will be by the lb)
- Pre-Purchased Online Prices
- Vehicle pass: $20 per vehicle
U-Pick produce will be priced per lb.
Apples: $2.25 lb
Asain Pears: $2.25 lb
Pumpkins: $0.90 lb
Sunflowers: $3 ea / 4 for $10 - Walk-in Prices
- Vehicle pass: $25 per vehicle
U-Pick produce will be priced per lb.
Apples: $2.25 lb
Asain Pears: $2.25 lb
Pumpkins: $0.90 lb
Sunflowers: $3 ea / 4 for $10 - Kids Attractions Prices
- Barrel Train Rides: $5 per ride
Playground: FREE
Moon Bounce: $5 per ride
Purchase all 3 kids attractions: $10 per child, unlimited rides all day - PLEASE NOTE:
Please note: there is never an admission fee to visit the Market, Bakery, Wine Garden, or Loft. Admission fee is ONLY for U-pick on Saturdays and Sundays.

What’s Pickin’?
Click the button to see all the produce currently available for U-Pick at Hill Creek Farms!